Category settings

The creation of groups or categories allows you to organize your products in sections according to their nature, class, type or form of promotion and presentation. This way you can set up promotional or regular groups as you wish.

To create a new category go to the Groups section located in the Inventory area of ​​the side menu. Then click the Add Category button located on the right side of the screen. The window or modal will open where you can enter the required data:

  • Name: they can be names of the type of product or its form of promotion, for example: Promotions, Discounts, Specials, Combos, Burgers, Pizzas, Accessories, Soft Drinks, Drinks, Articles, Devices, Cell Phones, Computers, etc.
  • Type: to facilitate the organization of the categories, HidsApp has a hierarchical order in which the featured categories will appear first, followed by the promotional categories, then the normal or ordinary categories and finally the additional or extra categories. It is recommended to leave the featured categories in the first places.
  • Group discount: thanks to this parameter it is possible to apply the same discount to all the products within a category, avoiding the repetitive task of editing product by product. Enter the value of the discount in percentage and it will be reflected in all the products. It is important to clarify that if a product has its own discount indicated, the value entered here will not be added to that of the product (double discount will not be applied), but rather it will be overwritten without the need to modify the product.
  • Product order: the products within each category can be arranged based on their price in ascending or descending order, by their age or in alphabetical order. If no option is selected, they will be arranged by price from lowest to highest.
  • Notes: You can set a text to be displayed in the header of each product group. This is very useful for delivering descriptive or promotional information involving all the member products of the category.

Once you save the category, it will appear in the products section to allow you to add items to it.

Category Order

You probably want to organize the categories in a specific way, which you can do very easily by clicking and holding on the group of interest and dragging the group to the position of your choice. It is recommended to leave the featured group first, as this will be used to generate the featured images and products on the page cover (see Personalization).

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