Required info

For a quick configuration and start-up of your online store, we advise you to have the following information beforehand. Having all this information in advance will speed up the process of setting up and activating the store.

For sign-up

  1. Name or corporate name of your business or restaurant, as officially registered.
  2. Industrial or commercial sector to which your business belongs (food, technology, cars, furniture, etc.).
  3. Business email: essential for service and communication with HIDS.
  4. Password: a password of 10 or more characters, including letters, numbers and signs, is recommended.

For the store

  1. Subdomain: is the prefix for your store address, which you can share on social networks (for example It is advised to be the same or similar to your Instagram user.
  2. Title: public name of your business, which will be displayed in the browser tab or title bar.
  3. Description: short paragraph describing the activity of your business so that it appears in Google results.
  4. Logo: a png image of a maximum of 800 pixels with a transparent background is recommended.
  5. Colors: Have your brand colors on hand, ideally with their respective RGB or HEX references.
  6. Social networks: your links to social networks such as Instagram and Facebook.
  7. Payment methods: list of payment methods that you accept in your business.

For inventory

  1. Locations: For each location of your business, prepare the following information:
    • Name or neighborhood of the premises, to easily identify it by users
    • Region, city and address
    • Local WhatsApp (here you will receive the orders)
    • WhatsApp of the delivery man (optional)
    • Latitude and longitude coordinates of your location (optional, can be obtained from Google Maps)
    • Coverage or kilometers around which you want to limit the service (optional)
    • Available hours
  2. Categories: These are groups in which you can classify your products.
    • Category name (ex: Promotions, Burgers, Liquors, Books, etc.)
    • Type or importance of the category; featured and promotional will be displayed first
    • Order of the products by price, date or alphabetical order
  3. Products: for each product have at least the following data:
    • Product name
    • Product description or detail
    • Product photo: png or jpg.
    • Category to which it belongs
    • Brand (if not made by you)
    • Type: product, service, information, video, audio, location.
    • Sale price (taxes and discounts included)
    • Sales unit (unit, meter, kilo, liter, etc.)
    • Product varieties (sizes, sizes, colors, flavors, etc.)
    • Locations where it is available

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